Chandler Couple Arrested after Trespassing in Home For-Sale
On Saturday, September 7, 2019 Adriana Gamboa & Gary Lynn were arrested for trespassing at a home for-sale in the 400 block of North Halsted Court.
On Saturday, September 7, 2019 Adriana Gamboa & Gary Lynn were arrested for trespassing at a home for-sale in the 400 block of North Halsted Court.
The Chandler Police Department’s Traffic Section will hold a DUI Task Force on Saturday, September 14, 2019 during the Rockin’ Taco Street Fest. Officers will also conduct the Know Your Limit educational awareness program at the Festival on the same day.
Stephen Bradley, a 54-year-old resident of Texas, was arrested for multiple felonies after he fired off a shotgun round in the Intel parking lot.
On August 16, 2019, around 6:15AM, a 68-year-old female was struck by an unknown make, dark-colored minivan as she crossed Ray Road near California Street. After the collision, the vehicle operator continued westbound on Ray Road. On August 28, 2019, the victim succumbed to her injuries and passed away.
Detectives are searching for 39-year-old Chuck Braster for his part in a residential burglary on August 26, 2019
The Chandler Police Department’s Traffic Section will participate in a DUI Task force over the Labor Day weekend. Remember, always wear your seatbelt, drive defensively, and either designate a driver or call for a ride when alcohol consumption is part of your holiday celebration.
The Chandler Police Department is seeking out neighborhood groups interested in this year’s annual G.A.I.N. event. G.A.I.N. (Getting Arizona Involved in Neighborhoods) is a day to celebrate the success of crime prevention through community involvement.
On August 18, 2019 around 4:30AM 35-year-old Kpou Sawi Armstrong robbed the Circle K located at 6969 West Ray Road. Armstrong brandished a firearm and, after demanding cash and cigarettes, fled the scene in a white sedan.
The American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors recently awarded the Chandler Police Forensic Laboratory the Foresight Maximus Award
On July 28, 2019 around 2:00AM 27-year-old Sloane Benton was found rummaging through the inside of a vehicle parked in front of a residence in the 3600 block of South Hawthorne Way. Once Benton was detained, officers discovered he arrived in a stolen vehicle.