Chandler Police Department actively participates with the Police Open Data Initiative which promotes the use of open data to encourage joint problem solving, innovation, enhanced understanding, and accountability between communities and the law enforcement agencies. The department provides interactive visualization tools and maps, reference documentation, data download ability, and an Application Programming Interface (API) for advanced users.

Please see Chandler Police Department Open Data for further information.

Priority I Response Times by Precinct  

The numbers reported here reflect the official SRS offenses reported to the FBI and exclude unfounded reports. SRS data is based on current information and is subject to change due to ongoing investigation. SRS was replaced by NIBRS beginning January 1, 2021, therefore SRS counts are derived using a NIBRS to SRS conversion system. You may learn more about the Uniform Crime Report or review the data using the FBI’s Crime Data Explorer by visiting the FBI’s information page.

2023 Annual Statistics


UCR Summary Offenses Year-to-Date Comparison (January - December)

Part One Offense20232024Percent Change
Violent Crimes
Criminal Homicide82-75%
Rape (1)10946-58%
Aggravated Assault307255-17%
Property Crimes
Motor Vehicle Theft363254-30%
Total Part One Offenses46394552-2%
This report is valid as of January 15, 2025 and is subject to change

Historical Comparisons

Part One Offenses2014201520162017201820192020202120222023
Criminal Homicide11454487118
Rape (1)6079124130146134123808999
Aggravated Assault294296273370333
HT-Commercial Sex Acts (2)1035020001
HT-Involuntary Servitude (2)0000000000
Motor Vehicle Theft228256393372317377437388435352
Index per 1,00025.223.826.925.323.322.820.518.919.515.7
1 - Arizona began using the expanded definition for Rape according to the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting Program in 2014.
2 - Arizona began tracking of Human Trafficking Part I crimes according to the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting Program in 2014.

On January 1, 2021, the UCR Program retired the Summary Reporting System (SRS) and transitioned to a NIBRS-only data collection. The numbers reported here reflect the official NIBRS Group A Crimes reported to the FBI and exclude unfounded reports. NIBRS data is based on current information and is subject to change due to ongoing investigation.

Crimes Against Persons -
Group A OffenseJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember
Murder and Nonnegligent Manslaughter001001000000
Negligent Manslaughter000000000000
Kidnapping/Abduction/Custodial Interference461411140031
Statutory Rape222151010101
Aggravated Assault192419232216322621192116
Simple Assault118120139143164124122137117139117125
Human Trafficking, Commercial Sex Acts000000000000
Human Trafficking, Involuntary Servitude000000000000
Crimes Against Property -
Group A OffenseJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJuly August SeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember
Burglary/Breaking & Entering262430252931242821252216
Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property434747556043364835364135
False Pretenses/Swindle/Confidence Game483742402728313526382823
Credit Card/Automated Teller Machine Fraud242726203229252519121411
Welfare Fraud000000000000
Wire Fraud14151517131626171971314
Identity Theft442836232924303129392014
Hacking/Computer Invasion203130120021
Theft From Building311530394230254528302420
Theft From Coin Operated Machine or Device200000001200
Theft From Motor Vehicle403266543245313435423450
Theft of Motor Parts/Accessories1414710121610131314199
All Other Larceny575166487958585862766356
Motor Vehicle Theft252827232022251618152319
Stolen Property Offenses236665362178
Crimes Against Society -
Group A OffenseJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember
Drug/Narcotic Violations565279847064686555484238
Drug Equipment Violations767396107116891008073556345
Operating/Promoting/Assisting Gambling000000000000
Gambling Equipment Violations000000000000
Sports Tampering000000000000
Pornography/Obscene Material8138111098131511116
Assisting or Promoting Prostitution121000000000
Purchasing Prostitution000000000000
Weapon Law Violation202015212118201918233018
Animal Cruelty1622261173324
Total -
Total Group A Offenses 94589910239681011895940944812851832721
Offenses are counted using the FBI Units Count for Crime
This report is valid as of December 15, 2024 and is subject to change

The Chandler Police Department (CPD) receives hundreds of calls for service daily. To appropriately respond, CPD utilizes a prioritization scale from priority I (most serious) to priority IV (no serious threat).   One of the reasons CPD reports priority I response times, is due to the call being citizen generated and in need of immediate assistance.  This provides an average response time from the time the citizen calls into dispatch to the officer being on scene (known as “hello to hello”); it includes call taking, dispatching, officer travel time and on scene arrival. Priority one calls for service response times, reflected in minutes and seconds, includes calls for service generated by a citizen in the City of Chandler. Priority One is an identifier for calls that fit this criteria: “Crimes that are in progress, that pose an immediate threat to life or property, or if a suspect is still on scene or in the area…”  Below is a breakdown of the response times for priority one calls.  To find the precinct you live in follow this link:

Year to Date

All numbers are current as of the last day of the last month.

Count of CFS by Priority
Count of CFS by How Received

Historical Comparisons

Total Calls for Service by Year

The Chandler Police Department (CPD) is providing an online, interactive crime mapping program that will allow residents and visitors to input an address and view crime activity for their requested area. The LexisNexis Community Crime Map site is free to the public and includes optional email updates and a phone application.

Community Crime Map is the public crime map that connects law enforcement with the community to improve public safety.
You can view and filter crime data in an interactive map and analytics dashboard to become better informed about crime activity in your area. You can also sign up for crime alerts to be sent directly from local law enforcement. Finally, you may
submit anonymous tips for crime activity directly to law enforcement.  NOTE: this tip line is not monitored 24 hours/7 days a week and should be used for NON EMERGENCIES only.  *** In an emergency dial 911 ***

CPD believes the map is a useful tool that can help raise awareness and encourage viewers to work cooperatively with law enforcement. However, there are some limitations to be aware of before viewing the map:

  • In order to protect victims of certain crimes and the security of pending investigations, LexisNexis has not been given access to all crime data. Therefore, the data used on Community Crime Map may be incomplete and should only be used as an informational tool.
  • The base maps used by LexisNexis (makers of Community Crime Map) can be dated or contain errors. Some addresses, especially new neighborhoods, may not be available. The City of Chandler has no control over the Community Crime Map website and their mapping tools.
  • Although the Chandler Police Department (CPD) provides raw data to Community Crime Map, CPD does not control how it is interpreted in the analytical section of the website. The charts and graphs depicted on the site are created and maintained by LexisNexis.

Please contact the Crime Analysis & Research Unit with any questions.  480-782-4082.

You may view Help Tutorial or visit the Community Crime Map.

Non-paid internships in our Crime Analysis & Research Unit allow junior and senior level, college students an opportunity for practical, hands-on experience in the field of law enforcement. The intern will assist in supporting patrol and investigative efforts by … Read More

Calls for Service Request Form

You may request Calls for Service information from the Crime Analysis and Research Unit. Calls for service are activities police respond to on a daily basis based upon citizen's calls and officer proactivity. Please allow … Read More