More and more people are using bicycles for transportation, exercise, sport and just plain fun. This gain in popularity makes bicycle theft very profitable. The best tool to help the police in combating this crime is properly securing your bicycle and bike registration. Registration of a serial number and other identifying marks enables the police to easily trace a stolen bicycle to its rightful owner.

Theft Prevention Tips

  • Register and license your bicycle – Simply take your bicycle to the front lobby of the Chandler Police Department, 250 E. Chicago St., any time, 24-hours a day. A representative will record a complete description of the bicycle, new license number, and the name, address and telephone number of the owner. You may also use the form below to submit a registration.
  • Never leave your bicycle unattended.
  • Lock it! – Always lock the bicycle when unattended, and only leave it in well-lit areas where there is frequent pedestrian traffic. Always lock your bicycle to a bicycle rack. Never lock just the front wheel; be sure include the rear wheel and frame. Use a recommended, high-security bicycle lock.
  • Report suspicious activities – Report all bike thefts and suspicious activities near bicycle parking areas.

The Chandler Police Department would like to take this opportunity to ask for your support in fighting the bicycle theft problem. Please register and license your bicycle. For further information please contact the Chandler Police Department at 480-782-4001.

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