Business Watch Program

If your Chandler business is closed during these “essential service” only times, let the Chandler Police Department assist.
When a business is closed for an extended period of time, the Police Department can offer extra patrol and checks, for your business. The Business Watch Program should give you some peace of mind.
Here’s how it works:
Complete and submit the Business Watch form or call (480) 782-4130 to complete one. Please allow at least 48 hours for processing from time of submission until officers are notified of your request.
**NOTE: The Business Watch program is intended for businesses closed for an extended period of time during the “essential service” restrictions only. ThIs service is also subject to officer availability and priority of calls for service.
Along with notifying us of your closure, here are a few other safety measures you will want to follow.
Safety Measures
- Notify a neighboring business not closed and leave an emergency phone number in case they need to reach you.
- Make sure all doors, windows, gates, and other access points are locked.
- If equipped with an alarm verify it is functioning and activated.
- Make sure your City of Chandler alarm permit is updated – 1-855-302-4533.
- Stop by daily to gather mail or other deliveries.
- Leave a light on so police can easily view the inside at night.
- Contact police to report anything suspicious.