At no cost, your home can be inspected by a representative of our Crime Prevention Unit to help you make your family and your property more secure against burglars and vandals. The first purpose of a Home Security Survey is to identify features in your home or the daily routines of your family which might make your home an easy target for a burglar. The second purpose is to advise you what steps can be taken to eliminate or reduce those hazards.

What to Expect From an Inspection
The security survey begins at your front door, and includes an inspection of all other doors, windows, locks, lights, and landscaping. The police officer inspecting your home will compile a checklist of security weaknesses and hazards that require your attention. This list is then accompanied by recommendations you should employ to reduce the opportunity for crime. The inspection report and recommendations are left entirely with you, and all aspects of the inspection are kept confidential.

If you are interested in having a Crime Prevention Officer conduct a home security survey please click on the link to see, see which precinct your residence is located in.  Click here for a precinct map.

Next, contact via phone or email your precinct Crime Prevention Officer:  Click Here