St. Patrick’s Day DUI Task Force

The Chandler Police Department’s Traffic Unit will hold a DUI Task Force beginning Thursday, March 16, 2017, through Saturday, March 18, 2017.  Officers will also conduct the Know Your Limit educational awareness program at the Shamrock Fest in downtown Chandler on Friday, March 17, 2017.

Know Your Limit is a non-enforcement program designed to educate the public on the effects alcohol has on an individual’s blood alcohol level.  Qualified officers will provide attendees with the opportunity to blow into a portable breath tester (PBT).  These individuals will then be able to see how their alcohol consumption affects the amount of alcohol in their bloodstream.  Officers will also provide the participant with an informational flier outlining the program.

The ultimate goal of the Know Your Limit program is to provide alcohol awareness to individuals who have consumed alcoholic beverages and allow them to understand their level of alcohol.  This information will allow individuals to make informed choices before they get behind the wheel of a vehicle.

Officer participating in the DUI Task Force are specially trained in the detection of roadway impairment for excessive alcohol consumption and use of illicit or excessive prescription drugs.  The goal of the DUI Task Force is to remove impaired drivers from the road before the damaging, and often tragic, consequences that result from the poor decision to operate a vehicle under the influence.

Please remember to always wear your seatbelt and to designate a driver when alcohol consumption is a part of your celebration.