Do not allow your children to trick-or-treat alone!
Accompany your child on their trick-or-treating adventure. Remember, safety in numbers!
Bring a flashlight or some other illumination device and a cellular phone.
If the lights are out at the house, pass it up.
Be mindful of the street names and addresses.
Know where you are in case of an emergency.
Be careful crossing the street.
Remember, pedestrians are much less visible to drivers in nighttime hours, even if pedestrians are wearing light colored clothing.
Do not allow your child to accept anything that appears inappropriate or suspicious.
Some parents like to take small children trick-or-treating before it’s dark.
If you do this, avoid being out at dusk; this is the most difficult time of night for motorists to see pedestrians.
Check your children’s candy before they are allowed to eat it.
Throw away any homemade or improperly sealed items.