Aspire Academy
This hands on resident camp allows girls ages 14 to 18 to participate in a variety of activities which build leadership, self confidence, and respected through teamwork. The camp will be hosted by the Chandler Police Department and Chandler Fire Department this October and is run in partnership with Mesa and other public safety departments from across the valley.
Aspire Academy gives girls the opportunity to experience firefighting, emergency operations techniques and law enforcement operations while connecting with women currently in the professions, as well as other women working in non-traditional roles. Girls will gear up and work alongside the elite women from Central Arizona’s fire and police services, learning the value of fitness, rappelling, climbing a 100-foot ladder truck, investigating crime scenes, and riding with driving instructors in a high-speed obstacle course!
Your tax-deductible donations are used to directly support Aspire Academy and fund scholarships. For more information, please email
Here are a few examples of specific ways to help:
- Sponsor a girl: $125
- “Host” a meal to feed hungry campers (and staff): $300
- Restaurants or business can donate food or cater in a meal
- Food service items (paper plates, napkins, cutlery, etc.)
- Snacks, water, Gatorade, etc.
- Equipment (gloves, safety glasses, sunscreen, etc.)
- Medals or trophies