Chandler Youth Academy is a one-week program for youth grades 7 through 12 and they must be at least 12 years old.  All participants must live or go to school in Chandler.  The academy provides an opportunity for the youth to learn about various jobs and functions within the Chandler Police   Department. Officers from the Traffic Unit, Patrol Division, Bike Team, K-9, Community Resources, and Training Section instruct students.  Students get involved with hands-on activities which provides them with a valuable learning experience and procedures, such as the use of force, forensics, crime scene investigation and much more.

The Youth Academy was developed to provide awareness and understanding of the role of law enforcement.  The ultimate goal of the Youth Academy is to foster relationships that will bridge the gaps between law enforcement and youth while exposing them to a possible future career in law enforcement.

The Youth Academy is held one week during the Chandler Unified School District’s intersessions (October, March) along with one in the summer.  The Academy meets at: 

Chandler Police Department’s Chandler Heights Substation

4040 E. Chandler Heights Rd.

and runs Monday – Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

There is no charge for the Academy and lunch is provided.

Experience a behind the scenes look at your PD

See the assignments and activities in law enforcement 

Only 25 participants, space is limited

All participants must live and go to school in Chandler 

Must have a Chandler School Resource Officer assigned to school

All youth must be 12  years of age or older and in Junior High or High School.

Youth must be in 7th grade at the time of applying.

Youth may only participate once.

Summer 2025:


(Registration and selection is at the discretion of the Chandler Police School Resource Officers)


NOTE:  Once you register your student, you will be contacted within a week.

Please do not call or email within the first week as registrations are being reviewed.

We reserve the right to review registrations and select participants in order to balance the presence of all Chandler schools.


The Department offers four Academies per year:                                                                                       


  • The Chandler Police Youth Academy runs Monday – Thursday from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm.
  • The SRO’s will go over the agenda for the week on day one with the students.
  • There is no charge and lunch, drinks, and snacks are provided each day.
  • Space is limited, parents are responsible for registering their children along with dropping and picking them up at the appropriate locations and times.