Chandler Police Blazes a Trail for Public Safety in Arizona with Carbyne’s Next-Gen 911 Technology

Chandler Police Emergency Communication Center upgrades its 9-1-1 emergency response service by installing cutting edge technology from Carbyne.

The ability of 9-1-1 telecommunicator’s to receive important information from callers using smartphones and IoT devices has increased significantly, as the Chandler Police ECC adopts next-generation 9-1-1 technology.

Carbyne’s cutting-edge first response communications plugin, c-Lite, will give Chandler’s

9-1-1 telecommunicator’s access to next generation capabilities, including: 

  • device-based location, to help pinpoint callers throughout the call, with industry-leading accuracy and speed
  • live-streaming video from caller smartphones, controlled by the 9-1-1 telecommunicator, for better assessment of both the situation and the best resources to dispatch
  • silent instant messaging, when talking isn’t possible, or any noise might draw unwanted attention to the caller

Another plus is that c-Lite will be quickly and simply installed as part of Chandler’s legacy emergency system – so it can be implemented within hours, with no expensive downtime.

“The vision of the Chandler Police ECC is to transition from a 9-1-1 center into a multi-channel emergency communications center capable of accepting the most contemporary communication channels of today.” said Michelle Potts, Communications Manager for the Chandler Police Department’s Emergency Communications Center. “We believe c-Lite will play a big part in helping build a resilient and adaptable ECC that provides more comprehensive emergency response capabilities to our community through effective, timely decision making, situational awareness, risk management, resource allocation, and quality information.”

Amir Elichai, CEO and Founder of Carbyne, commented that his company is delighted to bring the latest 9-1-1 technology to Chandler, to improve response times and first responders’ success: “Integrating Carbyne’s NG9-1-1 platform will give Chandler emergency dispatchers the tools they need for more effective first response, which can ultimately help save more lives.

About Carbyne

Carbyne is a global leader in public safety technology, enabling real-time emergency communication for citizens and Emergency Communications Centers. Their Next-Generation 9-1-1, cloud-native incident response system sits on a global infrastructure in the AWS cloud, supported by a powerful ecosystem. Carbyne is the only Cisco Solution Partner approved for inclusion in the 9-1-1 call path. Delivering advanced IP-enabled communication features, proactive, 24x7x365 support, AI-enriched response functionalities, IoT-enabled capabilities and state-of-the-art caller solutions; Carbyne is delivering the future of public safety and first response, today.

Founded in 2014, Carbyne is led by a team of entrepreneurs and technological experts. The company has offices in Tel Aviv, Mexico and Europe, with headquarters in New York City. For more information, visit