The Chandler Police Department has received a $195,350 grant from the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety (GOHS) to fund numerous traffic safety related programs for the period beginning October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2020:
- The Traffic Section was allotted $16,000 of this grant to fund two civilian motorcycle training courses and $35,000 to enforce Arizona’s seat belt and child safety seat laws.
- The DUI Squad will use $113,196 to fund officer overtime to work DUI enforcement during select times of the year when impaired driving increases and $20,000 for the Know Your Limit non-enforcement program. Monies from the DUI enforcement sub-total will also fund phlebotomy supplies.
- The Lab was allotted $3,854 to fund in-state travel related to training and the Vehicular Crimes Unit will use $7,300 for the purchase of equipment utilized for collision investigations.
Please remember to always wear your seatbelt and call for a ride when alcohol consumption is part of your plans. Please, get home safe.