The Chandler Police Department main lobby will be closed for renovations. Please see below for further.

Our Mission: To provide a safe community where people can live, work, and thrive.

Communications Section

This year, Chandler Police Communications saw an increase in utilization of the Automated Secure Alarm Protocol to Public Safety Answering Point (ASAP to PSAP) technology that began implementation in March of 2015.  This interface allows for near instant contact between the alarm company and the dispatch center.  Communications is now handling approximately 250-300 contacts per month with participating alarm companies, alleviating a similar number of phone calls into the dispatch center.  This process notifies the dispatcher of an alarm notification sooner and frees up the emergency call taker to answer 911 calls.

Non-emergency text messaging is also experiencing increased usage by the public, to include picture messaging.  Text and picture messages range from about 130-180 contacts per month, up from 65-70 per month in the prior reporting period.

This year, total call volume into the dispatch center is trending lower than 2015.  The decrease in call volume amounts to approximately 4%.
