Our Mission: To provide a safe community where people can live, work, and thrive.

Support Services

The Police Property & Evidence Unit receives and disposes a wide variety of property items that are found, held for safekeeping or seized during an investigation.  During this past year, there were over 21,000 items received and over 18,000 items released or destroyed.  The Unit also held two bicycle give-away events this year.  A total of 82 bicycles were distributed among several participating charities.

The Property & Evidence Unit continues to improve the property disposal process to make it more efficient.  In order to ensure that items are not held longer than the need to be, officers are sent property “tickler” notices to review the related case and to respond whether or not the item must still be kept or whether it can be released or destroyed.  As a result of upgrades to the Unit’s property tracking program, officers now receive an emailed “tickler” that allows them to review the item and respond back electronically.

The Records Unit is the first point of contact for people who walk into the Main Police station.  In addition to greeting walk-in customers and answering their questions, Records is responsible for a wide variety of tasks.  Some of these tasks include processing requests for report copies, imaging documents to reports, entering and clearing warrants, validating information that has been entered into the Arizona and National Crime Information Center systems and taking bonds, to name a few.  This year, the Records Unit received and processed over 10,000 report copy requests.  Personal identifying information must be redacted before the report is released.  In 2016, Records staff processed over 90% of these report requests within seven business days.
